Now this is what you call a 'splash of colour'
Love this image.
...which reminds me of a fancy camera I must dig out and put to good use again.
I had a small photography exhibition in an Arts Festival a few years back and thoroughly enjoyed it. My last outing before digital took over.
Taking photos is a great way to get out into the open and put ones artistic streak into action.
A really good tip I learned, again before digital (spoiled everything, debatable I know) is when a film roll of 36/24 might only produced a few decent shots, was to use unwanted prints for the likes of collage, papering or even adding chemicals such as acetone, spirits or bleach to obscure and distort the images and colours.
Photos can also look really cool when scratched or etched with appropriate tools. Similar to lino etching. I have never tried printing from them but must put it to the test.I can't imagine any major results but it's a funky concept all the same. Now, there is a plan for a rainy day and a bit of creative recycling! Might as well try a bit of decolage too while Im at it.
Back in my college days I made funky place mats with unwanted, abstract, blurry photos.
How to:
Get contact paper, lay the photos down, over lapping this can look cool. Place some hard card material, wood or whatever martial you choose (old placemats will be rather handy) cut accordingly, re-contact and voila! This is where I should pop up a photo of me trying and testing my method but none available at this time. Ohhh I feel another project coming on!!